I will sing of the goodness of God – reflecting on 10 years

Today’s a big deal for me. It’s the tenth anniversary of the start of my ministry as vicar of St Christopher’s Church, Allesley Park and Whoberley in Coventry.When I’d got the role people often said, “Been sent to Coventry, have you?” It was a joke relating to the civil war. I had to Google it … Continue reading I will sing of the goodness of God – reflecting on 10 years

An exciting week – The Archbishop @JustinWelby, sharing the story, a great review @LoveReadingUK!

This week has been eventful in my little writing world! An Archbishop’s Summer reading On Wednesday I was at the wonderful Diamond Jubilee service celebrating 60 years since the new Coventry Cathedral was opened. Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby preached at this service. Those of you who have been following my journey will know that … Continue reading An exciting week – The Archbishop @JustinWelby, sharing the story, a great review @LoveReadingUK!

Weekly Update – The power of praise (17th February 2022)

I don't know about you, but I found it so helpful to worship God together as church family on Sunday.  I came to church with a sense of heaviness; I'd attended the prayer meeting on the night Ali died and found it really difficult, but worshipping God, declaring truths about our faith - remembering that whatever we go … Continue reading Weekly Update – The power of praise (17th February 2022)

Weekly Update – Life on Pilgrimage (3rd February 2022)

"Blessed are those whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage" (Psalm 84:5).  The image of the Christian life as a pilgrimage is a common one, and it's one that I find particularly helpful.  Wikipedia defines pilgrimage as "a journey, often into an unknown or foreign place, where a person goes in … Continue reading Weekly Update – Life on Pilgrimage (3rd February 2022)

Weekly Update – Integrity matters (13th January 2022)

As I write the main headlines surround the party that took place in Downing Street on 20 May 2020 that the Prime Minister has now admitted he attended, although he argues he didn't realise it was a social event. While it isn't appropriate to comment on this issue much here, it is worth reflecting that 2 … Continue reading Weekly Update – Integrity matters (13th January 2022)