Zechariah’s Story – Part 2 – promise-keeping God

[Journey with Jesus – Day 2]

I will never forget the shrill sound of his voice as he let out a cry of indignation that he had been thrust out of the dark comfort of his mother’s womb into the harsh light of day. It was a sound I thought we would never hear. Tears were falling freely down my face at that sound, and those tears become a flood as he was given to me bundled in cloth – squalling, red, wrinkled, already with a full head of hair. My son. I hadn’t believed it when the angel made his visit to me in the temple, but I had had plenty of time to reflect on God’s goodness and grace, and the words he had said to me about the son who would be born to me in my old age. He would be great, filled with the Holy Spirit even before his birth. Through him many would be turned back to God. His purpose was clear – he was to get the people of God ready for the coming of the Lord himself. This boy, whose birth was heralded by a messenger from God, was in my arms. My son. I felt flooded with such joy – as indeed the angel had told me I would. And, as the angel had also prophesied, many were rejoicing at his birth. As Elizabeth’s pregnancy had developed what had begun as complete disbelief from our neighbours became excitement. They shared in our joy. And this day, when my son was born, I knew that others were celebrating the great mercy we had received from God.

On the eighth day it was time to circumcise and name our son. I was still unable to speak, but I had got so used to it by now, I wasn’t that perturbed – neither was Elizabeth, I expect she quite enjoyed it! Anyway, the community gathered for the naming ceremony and they were all ready to give our son the name Zechariah, after his father. Under normal circumstances this would have been what I would have been delighted to do, but our son’s arrival was far from normal. Elizabeth spoke up. “No, he will be called John.” The angel’s instructions about this had been so clear. He would be called John. His name would mean “God is gracious” – a testimony to the work of grace God has done for us and no doubt what he would do through my son in his lifetime. I was thinking of this, but was stirred out of my reverie by the clamour of protest that came from our neighbours. “John? None of your relatives has this name. Are you sure? Let’s ask the father.” They motioned to me. Of course, I couldn’t speak, so I motioned for a writing tablet – my main tool for communication these past nine months. I was aware of all eyes fixed on me as I wrote, “His name is John.” All looked amazed as I showed them the tablet. I was amazed too, amazed at the grace of God who had made me a father in my dotage and removed our shame from us, but more than that had begun an extraordinary work not just for our family but for our people. And in my amazement I felt the urge to speak and heard the sound of praises coming from my own mouth – praises to our God who was doing great things. I couldn’t contain myself as words poured from me – a song to the God who was coming to his people, coming to save us – just as he had promised long ago through his prophets he would. A song to the God who kept his promises, who hadn’t forgotten those words spoken to our father Abraham, that we would be rescued from our enemies and be freed to serve God and bask in his presence to the end of our days. Then I felt moved to speak a promise over my son – still so tiny in my arms,

“And you, my little son, will be called the prophet of the Most High, because you will prepare the way for the Lord. You will tell his people how to find salvation through forgiveness of their sins. Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.”

I saw the wonder of the people’s faces as I spoke out these words. I felt the same. I took another look at this boy and wondered just what God might do through him. Something new was beginning. A new day was dawning, light was coming to dispel the darkness. God himself was coming, and my son, my own boy, would be the one who would herald this news and point the way for people to be saved. God has done the impossible. He is a promise-keeping God.

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